Sunday, March 14, 2010

XXXIX Magic Mouse and Utilities

This Video Podcast has worked out for me a little longer than the awaited thing. The prime mover, it has been, that while it was recording, I met a surprise...
The quandary was in if it was beginning everything again, or it was made such which was going, and in the end, I have decided it was made such by which. We are not giving lectures (teaching method), but we try to show utilities, of a spontaneous way, but I have thought that this way, you can appreciate the difficulties that it bears that something changes in the last moment.
And you will wonder what is what it spent... Since it is simple. He was going to speak to you about Apple Magic Mouse and the diverse utilities of third that exist for him, and had in mind to center on one of them. This one, it had the problem of that was of payment, while others were free, but his price was very low and the simplest and most intuitive seemed to me, and that better was answering.
Since it has being habitual, he had asked the author for permission to do the Video Podcast, and throwing knob, I asked him for a key this way not to show that it was a version Demo. The author, nicely gave me a key and of way, asked me to translate the application for the Spanish, and I had no disadvantage, in less than one hour it had the file of texts translated in his mail. But...
I joust when I am recording, meet that into his web are changing the things, there is a new version... Marvelous, I said to myself, it is sure that it has put the possibility of a change of language. Me her down, and I see that I cannot register... I order him a mail asking and he answers me that this update is of payment... and does not order me the key to do the video podcast. I try to enter the new version, although it is like Demo, but it does not also leave me... (if, that I am possible to go to erase my files topics and try to enter, but I did not want to do it, already I will do it with more time). So... Being sorry about it very much, I cannot speak about the application, which now costs the double of what it was costing and the author is charging from all those who had already bought it.
Not if it will be for the translation or wherefore he will be charging for this update, but to me, that I ordered him this translation, it has left me without key. And therefore, I cannot recommend this application for the reasons on that I have already commented. You prop, if it is true that I have not asked him for anything for translating the application for him, at least, it could have had the deference of ordering me a key and doing that he had spoken good of his application and of himself. But somehow, it has not been like that.
To all us the tweezer can go away, let's hope that in the future days this man should rectify... I do not regret having collaborated with him when he asked me for it, but if lamentation that the things of one day should forget for other. I wish him the best of the lucks with his program, it keeps on being cheap and insurance that simple, intuitive and practical, but, there are other programs with more options and that they work the same way well, although it is necessary to take more care in as we form not to enter conflict of gestures and bad functioning of our Apple Magic Mouse.
Now I leave you with the Script and the Video Podcast:
00:00 Introduction.
00:35 A glance to Apple Magic Mouse.
01:35 Configuration Standard.
03:12 Excessive Batteries consumption. Possible Causes.
4:25 MouseZoom X 2.2. If you do not need any more gestures in the mouse, but you have to displace exaggeratedly the Magic Mouse to go from one place to other of the screen, this utility will accelerate the speed of the cursor. To unload direct CLICK HERE.
It notices: Jordimac mentions to me after seeing the video podcast that there is a version of 64 bytes of this soft: MoreMagic, basically does the same as the Zoom but this one is for Leopard. Direct discharge clicking HERE.
5:54 BetterTouchTool. Free, very finished utility and simultaneously Spartan, for available Magic Mouse in SecondBar and BetterTouchTool Blog. Direct discharge CLICK HERE.
7:06 MagicPrefs. Utility completes and with graphic samples for available Magic Mouse in the web Direct discharge CLICK HERE.
8:10 MouseWizard. It is not free, it has raised the 2.5$ price to 5$ and the update to the version 6.0 is of payment. The author should have thought the price before extracting the first versions and do not turn forced to increase of price for updates. It is cheap if, but there is other most finished hardware that are free.
12:37 A glance to MagicPrefs and his configuration.
17:05 Conclusions, farewell and closing.
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